Monday, May 2, 2011

Something Old, Something New

My first sock in this dreamy strawberry colored yarn is finished, at last.  It was a narrow escape from a lapse into "second-sock-syndrome".  Now, I've started the second.  It's been a slow start, since the pattern is a bit know....knit, purl, knit 2, purl 1, etc.  Kind of a strange pattern combo, but I think the finished results will be quite nice...stay tuned.

You remember the little purse I was knitting for my granddaughter out of this Tahki cotton?  I scrapped it, and I've begun a shopping bag for myself.  This cotton will work up nicely for something of a sturdy nature, as it wasn't suitable for a little bag meant to be feminine and sweet.  After all, feminine and sweet is a very good description of my little granddaughter!

My colors today are Red, White, and Blue....very appropriate, after our country's wonderful and long awaited military accomplishment!

1 comment:

  1. And something blue. What about something borrowed?

    Love your socks. Makes me feel like knitting socks for myself.
