Now, with Christmas closing in, I've decided it's time to complete it, and I'm hoping the end result will be nice enough for gifting.
When I dug through my slowly depleting stash, I had some completed 7 inch squares and the rest were in various stages of piecing madness.
All of the fabrics used in this wee quilt were left over from other projects. These aren't the prettiest choices, and some are faded and old. The colors are not at all what I would choose today, but 20 years ago, my taste was less refined, and my pocketbook was more in tune with raising a family, and less with crafting and sewing for pleasure.
After piecing enough blocks for a small coverlet, I sewed the blocks together and added a border. I was running out of fabric scraps and hopefully the pieced border will add a cohesive touch to this long lost UFO.
Stay tuned!
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