Thursday, March 10, 2011


First off, my knitting is at a stand-still, until my index finger heals.  Opening dog food should not be hazardous to one's knitting ability....but you know how it is.  The smallest little cut, in just the right/wrong place, makes all the difference, but I digress.

In my past life, I was absolutely obsessed with crochet. 

This rather large 'doily' (do people even use that word today?) was hidden under my stash of bits and bobs of fabric, and it needed a wash and block, before I could use it. 

I know it's old fashioned.  I mean, who can't recall one of their grey-haired relatives with these little lacy objects d'art all over their couches and chairs?

I remember making this, but it's been many years, and the pattern is long lost.  I do believe the pattern came as a little hand-out propped up in a yardage shop, right alongside various balls of crochet thread.

Thanks to Nice 'n Easy, my hair isn't grey, but that doesn't mean this little bit of crochet should be hidden away.  It is definitely a 'blast from the past', but I still think it's pretty.

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