Yarn: Malibringo, fingering weight, size 5 circular needle
The completion of the Swallowtail shawlette (see Ravelry) came with a few surprises. Since I'm not very familiar with lace knitting, the errors were much more evident after blocking. At first glance, it's a rather pretty pattern, and I might just make another one. The pattern was a fun knit, and not too complicated, especially since I resigned myself to the fact that "nupps" were not something I wanted to tackle. I left them out, substituting with plain 'knit' stitches. It still looks pretty, from far away - heh heh
On another note, my tomatoes are starting to blossom, or should I say, my blossoms are starting to tomato? Anyway, they're so darn cute. I hope they keep doing what they're supposed to do. I planted, added plant mix, and I water. Tomato on grilled cheese sandwiches...can't wait! They're in pots, so I hope those pesky little bugs stay the heck away.
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